Saturday, May 7, 2011

that's me... Jessica Amarnek... working in the box

weather proofed art box... get some.

Oh, The Places You'll Go
Acrylic and ink on wood

Dandelion growing out of the City Paper

others join in on the art making process

the bench that will be donated to the FDC
mosaic glass, wood frame

Miss Kate Mason joins in and collaborates on a painting

The last day in the Box

Today was the last day in the box, and as spastic as the weather was between the hours of 11am and 7 pm, the morale was at an all time high and stayed constant throughout my last day for this residency.  I had some great conversations with the people walking on the sidewalk.  They liked the bench as well as the paintings.  A common thread I find while looking back on the conversations that took place this week while in the box, is that everyone has a brother or sister that is an artist.  I heard many life stories over the last couple days, and conversation really picked up once they saw me there for a few days in a row.  I learned a lot about the city of Pittsburgh, and learned even more about the people that inhabit the Friendship/Garfield neighborhoods.  The conversation I originally had in mind for this week was going to concern the process of making art. This process is usually very private and secluded, performed in a space that is your own, surrounded by the things that inspire you.  While trying to create art in this box, my process was unveiled yet the conversation usually ended up with me and a member of the community talking about their history and how they came to live in the neighborhood.  These conversations were all unique, interesting and well appreciated.

Today I painted a picture of an octopus holding an umbrella in one hand (scratch that--  Tentical) and seeded dandelion in the other while still trying to make some progress on the bench for the FDC.  People enjoyed the image, thought the project was a great idea as a whole, and some even joined in on the painting and created their own masterpiece. 

This is the end of my piece of the project.  See you all in september for the show!

Jessica Amarnek

Friday, 5/7/11

Yesterday was a realllllllly interesting day.  I began work in the box at 10am, right after a quick trip to Home Depot and the local corner store to stock up on supplies.  I began my day with a latte and a quick sketch on a wooden board that I had previously burnt with hot glass.  I had printed out a version of Dr. Seuss' Oh, The Places You'll Go, and sketched an idea I have been thinking over for a few months.  The weather was wonderful, slightly brisk but mostly sunny the entire day until we packed up to go at 6pm.  I met some very wonderful and not so wonderful people yesterday as well.  Helen is a 60 some year old retired woman that sat with me for a few hours and learned how to draw faces while telling me some great life stories.  I had a really awkward moment with two older men.  There was an inappropriate racist remark made towards one from the other about the recently shut down KFC on the corner.  Luckily the one gentleman realized the guy was an ignorant jerk and decided to let him slide on the comment and diffused the situation.  Penn Ave. is full of all different walks of life, and when it is sunny... they all come out.

Today is my last day in the box. I will be there from 11am-7pm. 


Friday, May 6, 2011

the painting

Art Box Days 2 and 3

Wednesday was freezing cold, raining, and windy.  I stuck it out in the box and completed a painting.  I haven't painted in a good long while, so it was nice to work on something 2D for a change.  Yesterday was B E A U TIFUL.   Sunny, mostly warm, and I had some really great visitors that were interested in the work.  I grouted the entire bench top yesterday and then stayed late after work to finish the woodworking aspect of the piece.  Today I am going to work on another painting and then tomorrow I will finish the bench.  Stop by and check this project out between 11am and 7 pm tomorrow.  I will be there until 6pm tonight and then the Glass Center is having a really great opening and I will be blowing glass at night.  See you all there.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My First Day

So this morning at 10 am. I began my Art out of the box residency.  It was nice to just sit somewhere for 8 hours straight and work on my artwork, but it would have been nicer if it wasnt 50 degrees and raining.  Tomorrow I am switching to a  new project while the one I started today stays inside to dry out.  I have a few different projects planned for the week, and hopefully the weather will break and more people will be around to join in on the art making process.   Despite the weather, the energy is high on Penn Avenue and I am thinking it will stay that way through the weekend.  More updates to come throughout the week, and tomorrow I will add photos.   Until then-

Jessica L Amarnek