Today was the Polish Hill Church Festival! Much more action than yesterday...... I had some general questions about the Art out of the Box project, the process of making art and casual conversation. I had a couple who stop to stir deep thoughts and philosophical inquiries. We had a great conversation about the word "artist" and what it means to be an artist in a broader term. There was an exchange of opinions on the topic, coming to the conclusion that everyone can be an "artist of life". That being an "artist" doesn't have to be restricted to a specific art form or skill. Being an artist can be used to describe anyone who is creative with their own life. Whether it's making mundane decisions or taking exciting risks. Everyone has the chance to be creative and pursue unique, creative outlets. I talked with many who focused on one creative outlet (writer) and then there were others who had many creative outlets( poet, musician, cooking, etc.). It was wonderful to hear the public's opinion on creativity and I'm happy to know that there are some deep people in Pittsburgh!
Here are some examples of the progress made in my work, I'm finding that being spontaneous with materials and aesthetic qualities have created some interesting turns in my work. Allowing the conversations to influence my work has really effected the way I'm approaching the project. I'm excited to see the end results, but also sad to know that my final days of Art out of the Box is coming to a close. I'm curious as to whether or not my work will change while finishing it in the quiet space of my own studio. It's safe to say that being in public, talking with others and dealing with uncontrollable elements has really influenced my work.
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